360 Security Group Apps

Installer Hijacking Defender 1.0.3
360 Security Group
What is Installer HijackingVulnerability?Announced in March 2015, Android Installer Hijacking, a widespreadvulnerability in Google’s Android system that allows an attacker tomodify or replace a benign-looking Android app with malware andtherefore gain full access to the sensitive data, such as yourchatting records in Facebook, Messenger, Whatsapp, Twitter,Hangouts, Skype, photos and videos in Instagram, Google Photos andVine, your contacts, texts (SMS/MMS), call logs. What worse is thatyour payment information can be stolen by a phishing payment appthat is installed exploiting this vulnerability instead of the oneyou want. It can be a decoy of any popular app, from shopping appslike Amazon, and Ebay, entertainment app like Netflix, Hulu andPandora, to SNS like Pinterest, Kik and Snapchat and even hot gameslike Angry Birds, Subway Surfers and Minecraft.Learn more about installer hijacking vulnerability: http://researchcenter.paloaltonetworks.com/2015/03/android-installer-hijacking-vulnerability-could-expose-android-users-to-malware/Since the recently discovered Stagefright flaws exposed about95% of android devices to MMS attacks, install this app to makesure that the apps handling MMS in your device is trust worthy.This is a necessary security check that most of security apps donot offer.How Installer Hijacking Defender protect you?Install this app, tap on the ‘SCAN’ button and you will get thediagnosis in 2 seconds.Tap on the ’PROTECT’ button and you will see a dialog window askingyou to choose installer.Choose Installation Protector and tap on ‘Always’.Done, you will get alerted once an Installer Hijacking attack takesplace![Notice]:After you tap on ‘PROTECT’, our app will trigger the system dialogasking you to authorize our app to protect the app installation. Ifyou choose an installer other than Installer Protector, an errorwill occurred since no app will be actually installed.Why choose Installer Hijacking Defender ?Installer Hijacking Defender shares the same developer team with'360 Security', which is professional and experienced in mobilesecurity. The develop team provide the most reliable way to detectthe vulnerability and protect against it.What is 360 Security ?Trusted by 200 million users, 360 Security is the only all-in-onespeed booster and antivirus app that optimizes your backgroundapps, memory space, junk(cache) files and battery power, whilekeeping your device safe from virus, malware, vulnerabilities,adware and trojans.Download this FREE optimization and antivirus app that’sintuitively designed to protect your mobile lifestyle in just ONEtap.MORE features about 360 Security►Antivirus Engine►Junk File Cleaner►Memory Booster►Power Saver►App Manager►Anti-theft►Privacy►Real time protectionWe would like to hear from you:Like us on Facebook:https://www.facebook.com/360safecenterJoin us on Google Plus Community:https://plus.google.com/communities/109670671299307805270If you’re searching for Installer fix, installer hack, installerhijacking, installer scanner, installer virus, installer patch,installer protection, installation protector, installer flaw,installer vulnerability, download this app.
360 Security Group
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